Should a money-back guarantee be the only requirement on your timeshare exit checklist? Offering money-back guarantee protection is one of the most abused marketing tools in the timeshare exit industry. Unfortunately, it has also become one of the most concerning. Unproven timeshare exit companies are exploiting the promise of a money-back guarantee in order to gain consumers’ trust, even though they may have little or no timeshare exit expertise and possibly a faulty business model.
The exit industry has changed in recent years. In most cases, timeshare exit is neither quick nor easy, and regrettably, a money back guarantee does not equate to quality of service. The hard truth is, at the time of this writing, six major exit companies filed for bankruptcy and closed their doors in the last 18 months. Each bankruptcy created turmoil for hundreds—even thousands—of unwitting timeshare owners who saw their money-back guarantee rendered worthless. Even worse, unproven and unstable exit companies have left consumers—many elderly and on fixed income—without the financial means to hire a reputable exit company to help them.
Read more about the Money-Back Guarantee Mirage and how to protect yourself in the Consumer’s Guide To Timeshare Exit.